Introducing: Screen Capture

Published on the 5th of January 2021

A picture is worth a thousand words. So why not let users visually indicate what their feedback is about? That's exactly what we've done with Screen Capture.

What is Screen Capture?

With this feature enabled, a user can add a capture of the page to their feedback. They can simply add the full page as is, or use a pen tool to more specifically indicate what their feedback is about.

That's a lot easier than saying "that third link in the second column below that blue thingy"!

See it in action:

Viewing screen captures in the dashboard

Screen captures are attached to responses that you can view in your dashboard. Clicking on the thumbnail will show the full version.

Screen capture only captures the page

Of course the web page, which is your web page, will be captured and not your user's other pages or windows. We can only capture the web page.


This feature is available to all our customers starting today. Just enable the feature in your survey settings and you're all set.

Want to try it out?

Head over to the feature page to try a live demo.

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