Why we don't have exit intent as a survey trigger

Published on the 24th of July 2020

It's likely that you've encountered this at least once. You decide to leave a page, move your mouse to close the tab, and right before you're there a popup shows up offering you a discount or asking you a question. This is called 'exit intent' and it could be used to trigger a survey. At Freddy Feedback, we don't offer exit intent as a survey trigger, and here's why.

Dark pattern?

Here's the definition of a dark pattern from darkpattern.org: "Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you buy or sign up for things that you didn't mean to."

Based on this definition it might be exaggerated to call an exit intent a dark pattern. But from the customer's perspective, we think it's an unwanted or annoying experience.

It's like you decide to leave a shoe store, are walking towards the door, and then someone jumps in front of you saying:

Hey! Do you really want to leave? How about 20% off on your next pair of shoes?

Annoying. That's why we don't offer exit intent as a survey trigger.

Triggering surveys

There are many ways to trigger a survey. The trick is to think about it from a customer's perspective. If a customer just onboarded and lands on your shiny new dashboard, that's a good moment to ask 'How was your onboarding experience'.

Going back to the shoe store analogy, that would be a store manager asking you if you have feedback at the checkout counter after you've purchased your shoes. Relevant, well timed and friendly.


We have some examples where we show when to use surveys, which ones to use and what triggers are appropriate.

We are also happy to help you build from the customer's perspective and provide tips and tricks for setting up your surveys.

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