Using Unbounce? Use Freddy's widget to get feedback from your users. Here's how to install the widget.
Install Freddy's widget using Google Tag Manager.
Test your widget by using this simple URL parameter.
Get feedback on your Landen's landing page by adding a Freddy widget.
In just a few simple steps you can install Freddy's widget on your wordpress website. No coding required.
With this feature your users can add a screen capture to their response, so you can easily see what their feedback is about.
Use the survey preview to test your survey widget.
Use cooldown logic to hide the survey if a user closed the widget or submitted a response.
How to fill in the website URL in the survey settings.
URL filters can be used to show and hide your surveys based on the URL the user is on.
Some tips on writing good survey questions.
Connect Freddy Feedback to your Discord server so you're always on top of customer feedback.
Connect Freddy Feedback to your Slack workspace so you're always on top of customer feedback.
Invite users to help you manage surveys and discover insights from feedback.
Use the options object to set specific options for your surveys.
Because Freddy's script is unaware of URL changes when you're using a SPA, you can pass the response URL manually.
Custom fields allow you to include custom data with responses.
Testing the widget before putting it on production.
Open the widget using Javascript.
Use webhooks to connect incoming feedback to your own application.
Get insights on how to best get feedback from your customers, updates on new features and maybe even a joke from Freddy.